Class of 1981 Online Directory

We want you to be a part of our online directory. Here is what each entry will look like…

When you roll over the picture with your mouse, it will change from the recent picture to your yearbook picture. Also, there is a “Read More” tab at the bottom of each entry. Clicking on that tab will open up a bio page.


How to participate…

In order to build a directory of our classmates and their information, I will need you to fill out the following form.

Note: A VALID EMAIL IS REQUIRED. You can choose whether you want the email address published in the online directory or not. This email will be used for future notifications and to supply you with the login information for the directory once it is completed.

ONLY FILL IN THE FIELDS YOU WANT PUBLISHED IN THE DIRECTORY, with the exception of the few required fields.

I would also like to include a recent picture of every classmate. (Not required.) I will email you that request when the time comes to build out the directory. Between now and then, be thinking about a picture you would like to use. Also, I’d like to include a brief update on what has been going on in your life since 1981. That will be requested with the photo. (Once again, not required.)

If you have any problems, feel free to email me at



Directory Information

* indicates required

Publish Email? *


/ /
( mm / dd / yyyy )


Add links to all of your social media accounts