I hope you are having a great weekend. At least the sun in shining here and there, and the temps are in the 50s! Here are today’s “Random Thoughts”…
According to the website put together by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, as of Friday afternoon at 3 pm there are 30,791 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the state of Michigan. That number jumped up by 768 in 24 hours.
Here in West Michigan, there are 460 confirmed cases in Kent County (up by 30), 136 in Muskegon (up by 8), 98 in Ottawa (up by 10), 33 in Allegan (up by 4), 24 in Montcalm (no change), 22 in Ionia County (up by 1), 21 in Barry County (no change), and seven in Newaygo County (no change).
We have had a total of 2,308 deaths in our state due to COVID-19 (an increase of 81). We have had 23 deaths in Kent County (up by 3), five in Muskegon County (no change), five deaths in Ottawa County (no change), two deaths in Ionia County (no change), and one death in Montcalm County (no change).
They are now also giving us the Cumulative Total of Recovered COVID-19 Cases. They will update this number every Saturday. As of April 11th, 3,237 have recovered from the virus.
There are now more than 2.1 million confirmed cases of coronavirus worldwide, with more than 145,500 deaths. In the U.S., there are more than 671,000 confirmed cases with more than 33,000 deaths.
Stay Home, Wash Your Hands, and Social Distance Yourself! Please stay healthy.
I had to run into Grand Rapids on Saturday afternoon to get some essential supplies. I was shocked at how many people were out and about.
I know we are all starting to go stir crazy, but traffic on Alpine Avenue in Walker looked almost like a Saturday before our “Stay at Home” order. We need to keep trying to stay home and away from others.
I want to get this behind us as soon as everyone else, but we need to keep social distancing and staying home whenever possible.
I’m seriously beginning to think that before a month ago, people didn’t wipe their ass!
In the past, I never had an issue buying toilet paper when I needed it. It is still almost impossible to find on the shelves at the stores. How much toilet paper do you really need to buy?
I’m down to my last couple of rolls. I would like to buy another 12 pack, but every time I stroll down the aisle at the store — empty.
If you have more than 10 rolls of TP at your house — DO NOT buy anymore until the rest of us can stock up with a few rolls.
Last evening several members of the Morning Show on WKLQ and WGRD gathered together on Zoom.
Joining me were:
- Darla Jaye
- Lesleigh Green
- Stephanie Web
- Rovin’ Ralph
- Moose
We also had a few regulars join us including:
- John Baker the Hitmaker
- Bruce Doll our Official/Unofficial Photographer
We had a couple of listeners participate in the meeting as well.
Many others watched it live on Facebook. As of about noon today, the video has had almost 900 views.
We met for just over an hour to talk about some of our experiences — good and bad, and to update each other on what we are doing now.
Here is the video from last night…
Everyone had fun and there is already discussion of doing it again, maybe on a regular basis. I’m also going to try to get reunions together for the remaining WKLQ and WGRD air staff members. I’ll work on that and let you know dates and times once I get things arranged.
A big THANK YOU to those who participated and also those that watched the video. I hope you had as much fun watching as we did all being together again.
Have a fun day Sunday. I will be on the air today until 3 pm on 98.7 WFGR.
If you have any comments on the above stories, please leave your remarks below…