Out with the old, and in the with new. That’s exactly what happened on June 27, 1985 when Route 66 was officially removed from the United States Highway System. In it’s place…Interstate highways. (READ MORE)
Out with the old, and in the with new. That’s exactly what happened on June 27, 1985 when Route 66 was officially removed from the United States Highway System. In it’s place…Interstate highways. (READ MORE)
When you apply for a job in radio, not only do you need to send a resumé, but you need to send them some audio of just what you do on the air. On June 27, 2000, Rick happened to find an audition tape of his from years prior. (READ MORE)
Here is what has happened on June 26. (READ MORE)
Here is what has happened on June 25. (READ MORE)
Here is what has happened on June 24. (READ MORE)
Let’s open up the “Rick and Scott Audio Vault” and turn the clocks back over 20 years! (I know, it’s hard to believe it’s been that long.) (READ MORE)
Here is what has happened on June 23. (READ MORE)