It’s hard to believe that it was 16 years ago, February 26, 2009, that Rick Beckett passed away at the age of 54. (READ MORE)
It’s hard to believe that it was 16 years ago, February 26, 2009, that Rick Beckett passed away at the age of 54. (READ MORE)
February 14th is Valentine’s Day. Here in the United States, Valentine’s Day is a $14.7 billion industry. Here are a few fun facts about the holiday… (READ MORE)
If you’ve ever needed an excuse to take your friendship to the next level (or at least your water bill to a lower level), congratulations — February 5th is National Shower With a Friend Day! Yes, this is a real holiday, and no, I did not make it up.
So, I’m finally doing it — I’m heading to the Grand Canyon in the next couple of months! A place so vast and breathtaking that even photos can’t do it justice. A place where history, nature, and questionable survival skills (mine) collide.
Back in 2000, Rovin’ Ralph was soon to be married to Trixie and Rick explained to Ralph how his life was going to change…
January 26th marks the anniversary of the “Blizzard of ’78”! What were you doing back then? If you were living in Michigan at the time, you were probably doing a lot of snow shoveling. This storm was one of the biggest snow storms to every hit this area. A low-pressure system moving from the Gulf Coast met with two other low-pressure systems, one from the Southwest and one from Canada, to create one of the worst snowstorms the Midwest has ever seen. (READ MORE)
January 20th, 1807, gave the world something strange and wonderfully cheesy: the arrival of the “Mammoth Cheese” at the White House. No, this wasn’t an early attempt at influencer marketing. This was an 1,235-pound block of cheddar sent to President Thomas Jefferson. Why? Because if you want to make a point in 19th-century America, you do it with dairy.