It’s that time of year again! Time to change the clocks and “fall back”. (READ MORE)
It’s that time of year again! Time to change the clocks and “fall back”. (READ MORE)
This Memorial Day weekend, the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) plans to remove lane restrictions on almost 70% of their road and bridge construction projects across the state. (READ MORE)
I found some interesting facts about Easter candy recently…including the favorite flavor of jelly bean — and you might be surprised! (READ MORE)
Every year, many people decide to try to better themselves in the new year. We all come up with a resolution or two (or more) to try to make things better for us as we embark on another trip around the sun. I found a list of the “Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions”… (READ MORE)
I really hate to do this to you, but you are going to see something you will never be able to “unsee”. It will stick in your memory forever. (READ MORE)
Are you heading out to take advantage of the after Thanksgiving deals this week? Some stores will be opening Thanksgiving evening while other stores won’t open until early Black Friday morning. Some stores will be open around the clock. (READ MORE)
Every year I am amazed at the job that Mel Trotter Ministries does to feed over 2,000 people a Thanksgiving meal. This year will be the 20th Annual Thanksgiving Banquet that Mel Trotter has put together. (READ MORE)