I am overwhelmed at the support everyone has given during the Paws To Be Thankful Fundraising Campaign. (READ MORE)
I am overwhelmed at the support everyone has given during the Paws To Be Thankful Fundraising Campaign. (READ MORE)
Now that we have more confirmed statistics, it is fun to look back at the Presidential Election and take a look at the numbers… (READ MORE)
Even in 2016, we still base the winner of the Presidential election on the results of the Electoral College votes. Is it time to do away with the Electoral College and let the popular vote determine who becomes our President? (READ MORE)
Election Day is Tuesday, November 8, 2016. Who do you think will be our next President? (READ MORE)
Here is a chance for you to help support Paws With A Cause! (READ MORE)
If you are like me, you are just about over the political ads and campaigning we’ve had to endure through this year. Thankfully Election Day is November 7th and not that far off.
Most political ads take to bashing their opponent. I’ve always wondered why candidates spend all their money telling me the bad things their opponent did. Instead, why not tell me the good things YOU did?! But that is never the case. (READ MORE)
ArtPrize 8 is now in the history books. The final winners were announced on Friday, October 7th, 2016. Overall, I would pretty much agree with at least the public vote. The juried winners usually always leaving me scratching my head!
One of my favorites this year — among many — was a 3D sculpture piece called “Embrace”. It was on display at the DeVos Place Convention Center on the second floor. (READ MORE)