“Random Thoughts” for Monday, November 16th, 2020
Wow, it’s been awhile! There have been so many things going on that I just haven’t had the time to sit down and punch out a “Random Thoughts”. With another lock down on its way, I had to find time to write this blog. Here are my “Random Thoughts” for Monday…

It’s time to be locked down once again due to the Coronavirus.
First, before I even get into what I want to say, let me state that I want everyone to be healthy. I want this to be over with as much as anyone else. Wear your mask, social distance yourself, wash your hands…stay healthy. I know people who have died from the coronavirus. I know people who have had the coronavirus. I don’t wish that upon anyone.
With the news on Sunday that the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services was putting us on lockdown once again bothered me. Who gives this department such power? Apparently we did back in the 70s. I find it bothersome that once department has this kind of power without any time of legislative input. Since it was ruled that Governor Gretchen Whitmer alone doesn’t have the power, she has turned to the MDHHS to issue these Executive Orders for her.
The new orders take effect on Wednesday, November 18, 2020 at 12:01 a.m. and will remain in effect until December 8, 2020. The new order means all Michigan residents are required to work from home unless they must do their work in person. Also, restaurants and bars will no longer be allowed to offer indoor dine-in service. Outdoor dining service will still be allowed. Casinos, movie theaters, stadiums and arenas will remain closed. Bowling alleys, bingo halls, arcades and water parks must also close. All colleges and high schools must move to remote learning. Organized sports will also be shut down. (This does not include professional sports and a select number of NCAA sports.)
Why the lockdown?
The numbers of daily cases and deaths in the state of Michigan continue to grow. This is an effort to try to get this virus under control.
Will it work?
My guess…probably not. In the past we have had so many Executive Orders demanding that we do certain things to “flatten the curve”. Nothing has really worked. I see about 80% of people wearing masks. If masks were so effective, we wouldn’t see the numbers spiking like they are. (I think at some point we are going to have research that masks actually hindered our effort to control this virus…but I’ll wait for that report to come out.)
First, you will never get 100% participation on anything. I know a lot of people are thinking the coronavirus vaccine will be the answer to all of this. Think again! According to the Centers for Disease Control, in 2018-2019 less that 50% of adults get a flu shot. That is a tested and tried vaccine. People won’t be as anxious to rush out to get a new vaccine that doesn’t have a track record and was quickly tested and produced. If only about 43% of people get a flu shot, I’m guessing fewer than that will actually get a coronavirus vaccine.
I wish I had an answer or some type of clinical proof about just what would work to control this virus. At this point we all just have to wear our masks, social distance ourselves from others, work from home, and wash our hands. I don’t want to see anyone catch the virus, but it still bothers me that some groups have so much power to be able to dictate how we live our daily lives.
It’s that time of year again, when hunters head into the woods in search of that big buck.
Back in 1995 or 1996, while doing mornings on 98.7 WGRD, we sent Rovin’ Ralph into the woods with my cellphone and a loaded gun!
He was actually able to get a deer while live on the air.
He also went out with his soon to be wife, Trixie, a few years later.
Good luck out there. Be safe in the woods.
On this date in 1965, Walt Disney announced plans for “Project X”, which would be an Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow. Today we call it EPCOT.
At the time it was so futuristic and now sees so old and out of date!
Find out what else has happened on November 16th.
I hope you have a MAGNIFICENT Monday! I will be on the air this afternoon — local and live — from 3-7 pm on 98.7 WFGR! Please join me!
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