Random Thoughts for Saturday, September 14th, 2024: Victory at Sea, The Typewriter, National Coloring Day, and More!

Greetings, wonderful internet traveler! It’s September 14th, a date that probably seemed like a typical Saturday, but guess what? It’s actually full of quirky history, fun facts, and bizarre thoughts — at least in my corner of the universe. So, grab your coffee, tea, or whatever magical potion fuels your day, and let’s get into it.


1. The First American Victory at Sea (1779)

Ahoy, history buffs! On this day in 1779, John Paul Jones, the most pirate-sounding naval commander in U.S. history, led the USS Bonhomme Richard to victory against the British warship HMS Serapis. Jones, in true action-hero fashion, reportedly shouted, “I have not yet begun to fight!” in the middle of the battle. Pretty bold for a guy in a leaky ship. Spoiler: they won, making it one of America’s first significant naval victories.

Imagine saying that in everyday life: “Hey, you haven’t done the laundry yet.” I have not yet begun to fight! Honestly, it could work for most things — work deadlines, long lines at the grocery store, assembling IKEA furniture. Take a page from John Paul Jones and unleash your inner sea captain today.


2. The Typewriter Patent (1868): When Writers Got Carpal Tunnel

On this day in 1868, the typewriter was patented by Christopher Latham Sholes, changing the world of writing forever. Before this, people were hand-scribing their letters like medieval monks — by candlelight! — and then suddenly, there was this magical machine that went clickety-clack, and boom, your thoughts were on paper.

Of course, the invention also paved the way for the QWERTY keyboard, and now, here we are, typing away on devices we keep dropping and cracking. What would Mr. Sholes think of the modern-day smartphone autocorrect, which turns “meeting at noon” into “eating a raccoon”? His mind would be blown.


3. The Great Potato Famine Begins (1845): Potatoes, Where Art Thou?

On a less upbeat note, September 14, 1845, marked the beginning of the Great Irish Potato Famine, when potato crops across Ireland began to fail, leading to widespread famine. It’s a stark reminder of how important this humble vegetable was (and still is) to so many people. I mean, imagine a world without fries, mashed potatoes, or hash browns. Gasp! If that doesn’t make you grateful for your next side of crispy French fries, I don’t know what will.

Pro tip: Honor the potato today. Eat a baked potato, some chips, or my personal favorite, the tater tot. You don’t need an excuse to eat more carbs, but now you’ve got one.


4. National Coloring Day: Adult Coloring Book Time!

Yes, today is National Coloring Day, a day when you can grab some crayons, markers, or colored pencils and unleash your inner child—or inner Van Gogh, depending on how ambitious you’re feeling. Whether you’re a fan of elaborate adult coloring books or you’re perfectly happy with a good old-fashioned Scooby-Doo coloring page, it’s all fair game today. Coloring is relaxing, creative, and honestly, who doesn’t love filling in a cartoon’s mustache with neon pink?

Random thought: Do you think Bob Ross colored outside the lines as a kid? Or did he paint “happy little accidents” even back then?


5. ArtPrize is Underway in Grand Rapids!

It’s that time of year again. Office workers in downtown Grand Rapids hate this time of year. There are people everywhere — and nobody looks before they cross the street. And don’t even expect them to use the crosswalks. I’m surprised more people aren’t hit by cars during this time.  Everyone is looking in all directions except to see if a car is coming before they cross the street. Here’s an idea… slow down and look both ways before crossing. Do  you remember your parents telling you that? Remember it now…during ArtPrize…while you are in search of the portrait of Abe Lincoln made out of belly button lint.


Quote of the Day

Let’s go with a gem from Maya Angelou today:
If you’re always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.

In other words, let your freak flag fly! Eat a donut at 10 p.m., wear mismatched socks, or attempt to dance like no one’s watching (but let’s be honest, they probably are, and they’re enjoying it). Today is a great day to embrace your quirks and lean into the things that make you uniquely you.


Pun for the Day:

I bought a fake Koi fish. It’s my deKoi!


Final Random Thought:

Have you ever noticed that whenever you’re about to sneeze, someone always asks, “Are you about to sneeze?” And it ruins the whole sneeze experience? If there’s a worse form of interruption, I’m not sure what it is. Pro-tip for life: If you see someone gearing up for a sneeze, let them sneeze in peace. They’ve probably waited all day for that moment of sweet relief.


That’s all for this random, historical, potato-filled journey through September 14th! Whether you’re coloring outside the lines, listening to Amy Winehouse, or stuffing your face with a baked potato in honor of Irish history, make sure to keep things light and fun today. Life’s too short to take seriously — unless you’re in the middle of assembling IKEA furniture. Then you might want to bring your A-game.

Happy September 14th, folks! Keep it quirky.


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