Random Thoughts for Saturday, September 21st, 2024: Santa Claus, “The Hobbit”, Monday Night Football, and More!

Welcome to September 21st, 2024! Whether you’re reading this with your morning coffee or procrastinating on folding laundry (we’ve all been there), I’ve got your daily dose of humor, history, and random musings. Let’s dive right into the chaos of this lovely Saturday!


1. Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus (1897)

The famous editorial was published in The New York Sun, confirming that, yes, Santa exists. This is why we believe in magic — and why malls have been putting up Christmas decorations since August.


2. J.R.R. Tolkien Publishes “The Hobbit” (1937)

Our favorite hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, made his literary debut. Thanks to Tolkien, people now argue whether second breakfast is a real thing. (Spoiler: it is. Fight me.)


3. The Boeing B-29 Superfortress Takes Flight (1942)

Today, the famous B-29 bomber took to the skies for the first time. Also known as the aircraft that later dropped atomic bombs on Japan, its history is both fascinating and haunting.


4. Monday Night Football Premieres (1970)

Get ready, sports fans! September 21, 1970, saw the debut of Monday Night Football. It’s been 54 years of touchdown dances and yelling at refs through the TV.


5. Sandra Day O’Connor Sworn in as First Female Supreme Court Justice (1981)

This day marked a major breakthrough as Sandra Day O’Connor was sworn in, breaking judicial glass ceilings. Take that, patriarchy!


Quote of the Day:

“It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it.”Lou Holtz

So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed today, just remember: carry that load like it’s a pumpkin spice latte in a fragile cup.

Random Thoughts for Your Brain to Chew On

  • Why do we still say “hang up” the phone? Phones haven’t been hung on walls since the 90s. I guess “press end call” just doesn’t have the same ring to it.
  • Why does every recipe blog have to include a 2,000-word backstory? “My grandma’s neighbor’s cat inspired this quiche”… just give me the ingredients, Karen!
  • I finally found a reason to keep 90s CDs. They’re time machines. Listen to one, and suddenly you’re back in a world without social media and with questionable fashion choices.


Upcoming Events to Look Forward To

  1. First Day of Fall – September 23rd
    Time to officially switch from iced coffee to hot beverages! Break out your flannels and try to pretend you enjoy raking leaves.
  2. National Coffee Day – September 29th
    Prepare for caffeine-fueled celebrations across the country. This is the one day you can drink five cups of coffee and feel no shame. Treat yourself to a fancy latte (or two).

Daily Pun to Keep Things Light

Why did the scarecrow win an award?
Because he was outstanding in his field. (ba-dum-tss)


There you have it — your September 21st rundown! Whether you’re spending the day browsing art installations, sipping on seasonal drinks, or pondering life’s big questions (like why folding laundry is a never-ending battle), make the most of it! And remember, it’s officially time to break out the cozy sweaters — fall is right around the corner.


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