Random Thoughts for Monday, September 23rd, 2024: Why Does Monday Even Exist?

Ah, Monday, the day that reminds us all that adulthood is mostly just being really tired and wondering if it’s acceptable to drink coffee at 6 pm. After a blissful weekend of pretending responsibilities don’t exist, we’re abruptly yanked back into the abyss that is Monday. And let’s be honest, Mondays have never been great. If Monday were a person, it’d be that coworker who eats tuna in the breakroom and asks you if you’ve finished their project yet.


The Great “Get Up Early” Lie

I’ll admit, every Sunday night, I tell myself I’m going to wake up early on Monday, conquer the world, and finally become that “morning person” who drinks smoothies and reads books on mindfulness before work. This is, of course, a complete delusion. What actually happens is most of us hit snooze 14 times, roll out of bed like we are a piece of human-shaped dough, and arrive at our desks with a coffee in one hand and our dignity nowhere in sight.


The Existential Breakfast Debate

Monday mornings are also when I like to contemplate deep, philosophical questions — like, what counts as breakfast? Can a granola bar eaten in the car on the way to work be considered a meal, or is it just a cry for help? And does eating cereal out of a coffee mug because all your bowls are dirty mean you’ve hit rock bottom or just a new level of innovation? Asking for a friend.


Coffee: The Only Reliable Relationship We Have

The one thing most people can count on during Mondays is coffee. Sweet, sweet coffee. It’s like a warm hug in a mug, whispering, “You got this” while knowing full well that you, in fact, do not have this. Coffee doesn’t judge when you’re on your third cup before noon, or when you’ve become a full-blown caffeine-powered husk of a human. It’s the hero we don’t deserve but desperately need.


The Afternoon Slump

By 2 pm, our productivity has plummeted to levels so low they’re technically subterranean. The only thing we’ve successfully accomplished by then is wondering why there isn’t a global movement to abolish Mondays altogether. We’ve made a lot of strides as a society — space travel, self-driving cars — yet we’re still trapped in this weekly cycle of Monday doom. Progress? I think not.


So here’s to Monday, the day that keeps on giving — whether we want it to or not. Hang in there, you’re only five cups of coffee away from Friday!

My goal is to keep you informed and/or entertained on a regular basis. Maybe you'll learn something new, or just get that much needed laugh. My topics will include a wide range of subjects....from what's going on in the world, to places I've been, things I've seen, or even just a fun video that I've found online. Check back often to see what I've posted.

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