Some Prescriptions at Meijer are No Longer Free, Kirk Douglas has Died at 103, Jello Shot Jenga, and The Cottage Bar is For Sale. (READ MORE)
Some Prescriptions at Meijer are No Longer Free, Kirk Douglas has Died at 103, Jello Shot Jenga, and The Cottage Bar is For Sale. (READ MORE)
State of the Union Childness, New Cereal, Ice Cream that Tastes Like Cereal, Another Variety of Peeps, and Coors Light Picks up Dog Adoption Fees. (READ MORE)
Celebrities with Cancer, Taking a Bite out of a Mayor, Madonna is Sued for Being Late, a “No Children” Section Update, and the start of “The Facebook”. (READ MORE)
My Thoughts on the Super Bowl and the Commercials, and Is it Time for a “No Children” Section in Restaurants? (READ MORE)
Will We Have an Early Spring? Something Occurs Today that Hasn’t Happened in 909 Years, and a Tribute to Old Grand Rapids Police Cars. (READ MORE)
It’s “Feberary”!, Jimmy Kimmel Interviews a Stoner from Michigan, What Happens Inside a Bird House, and If I Could Play the Piano! (READ MORE)
Jay Allen’s Funeral, PETA Wants an Animatronic Groundhog, and Why We Shouldn’t Self Diagnose Ourselves. (READ MORE)