Can you believe it? Christmas is just around the corner! The stores are packed, the malls are chaotic, and everyone’s trying to outdo each other with the most extravagant gifts. It’s the most wonderful time of the year, right? (READ MORE)
Can you believe it? Christmas is just around the corner! The stores are packed, the malls are chaotic, and everyone’s trying to outdo each other with the most extravagant gifts. It’s the most wonderful time of the year, right? (READ MORE)
Happy Saturday, world! Today, as we sip our morning coffee (or tea, or whatever your caffeinated beverage of choice is), let’s take a moment to appreciate the absurdity of existence. (READ MORE)
Happy Wednesday, everyone! You’ve made it to that magical point in the week where the weekend is in sight but still far enough away that you can pretend you’re getting work done. Midweek vibes are strong today, and whether you’re coasting through or clinging to your caffeine for dear life, we’re here to power through together! (READ MORE)
Happy October 1st, everyone! The time of year when the leaves turn crunchy, the air smells of bonfires and pumpkin spice, and we all pretend it’s cold enough for sweaters even though it’s still, like, 75 degrees out. But hey, let’s roll with it! Nothing says “fall” like sweating through a flannel shirt while holding a hot pumpkin spice latte. (READ MORE)
Ah, Monday, the day that reminds us all that adulthood is mostly just being really tired and wondering if it’s acceptable to drink coffee at 6 pm. After a blissful weekend of pretending responsibilities don’t exist, we’re abruptly yanked back into the abyss that is Monday. And let’s be honest, Mondays have never been great. If Monday were a person, it’d be that coworker who eats tuna in the breakroom and asks you if you’ve finished their project yet. (READ MORE)
Ah, Sunday. That magical day when we wake up with grand intentions of productivity, only to find ourselves somehow still in pajamas by noon, contemplating whether we’ve become one with the couch. It’s the day when you know you should get things done but can’t seem to break the gravitational pull of Netflix. Welcome to Procrastination Station — population: everyone. (READ MORE)
Welcome to September 21st, 2024! Whether you’re reading this with your morning coffee or procrastinating on folding laundry (we’ve all been there), I’ve got your daily dose of humor, history, and random musings. Let’s dive right into the chaos of this lovely Saturday! (READ MORE)