Total 25 Posts

Ventriloquism on the Radio

While going through some old audio tapes recently, I stumbled upon this gem… It’s a classic radio moment when Jerry Mahoney visited “Rick, Darla, and Scott” on WGRD back in the Fall of 1995. Ventriloquism on the radio worked for the likes of Edgar Bergen, Paul Winchell, and Jimmy Nelson…I guess it could work just as well for Rick Beckett. At least the audience never saw his lips move! (READ MORE)

Remember Love…

I happened to stumble across this video just the other day on Facebook. Andy recently wrote a song about a conversation he had with his 10 year old daughter. He explains the song better in the video than I can. With all that is going on in the world today…this song should be heard by everyone…so I’m going to share it here, on my blog, in hopes that many people will get a chance to hear the song and “Remember Love”… (READ MORE)